Public Health
Resource Guides
Public Health
Drug Take Back Sites

For unwanted or old medications. Take back (TB) sites are located at local law enforcement agencies and, unless otherwise noted, are open 24 hours a day. The MedSafe (MS) sites are at participating pharmacies. For hours of operation, please contact the pharmacy directly.

The Take Back program accepts both prescription and over the counter medications. The MedSafe program does not accept over the counter medications.

The medications of greatest concern are
pain pills, anti depressants, anxiety meds, sleep aids,
medications for attention deficit disorder. Don’t
leave these medications laying around the house.
All medications should be locked up. Store them
in a combination safe, locked cabinet,
or locked drawer–not the medicine cabinet.



Pembina County Sheriff's Office (TB)
308 Courthouse Drive #2 
Cavalier, ND 58220

Drayton Drug (MS)
104 East Highway 66
Drayton, ND 58225

Thrifty White Pharmacy (MS)
102 Division Avenue South
Cavalier, ND 58220

NuCara Pharmacy (MS)
1102 Central Avenue 
Walhalla, ND 58282

Clinicare (MS)
301 Mountain Street East
Cavalier, ND 58220


Pembina County Public Health offers FREE Deterra bags for safe medication disposal in your home. Call us to find out more!

State Wide Drug Take Back Sites


ND Medication Disposal Regulations


Prevent Youth Substance Abuse



Public Health

Naloxone is a prescription medication that temporarily reverses an opioid overdose. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, can be easily given by a bystander who suspects an opioid overdose.

In North Dakota you do not need to see a doctor to get a prescription for naloxone. Narcan is available for free at the Public Health office. 


 Stop Overdose


Lifesaving Naloxone


Narcan Nasal Spray Training Video


Stigma Reduction




Public Health
Head Lice

Exclusion Guidance Children or others do not need to be excluded from childcare, school, work, or other activities if they have head lice. Exclusion and treatment of children in child care can occur at the end of the day with return the following day after their first treatment. Children can remain in school but should be treated for lice as soon as possible. Head-to-head contact with others should be discouraged.


Head lice fact sheet


Myths and Facts


Head lice quick guide





Public Health
Child Passenger Safety - Cribs for Kids - Injury Prevention
Public Health
Clinicare Sharps Program
Public Health
Privacy Practices Notice
Public Health

Pembina County Public Health publishes a quarterly newsletter. To get on the email list for this newsletter contact us at 701-265-4248 or


Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Summer 2024




Employment Opportunities
These are the current job openings at the Pembina County Sheriff's Office. They would include Administrative, Law Enforcement and Corrections positions.

Please see Employment Opportunities for available position information and application packet. Please submit Cover Letter, Resume, and Application to the Pembina County Sheriff's Office.


Sheriff's Fees FAQ
A list of fees by the Pembina County Sheriff's Office.

Drug Testing (for court ordered testing and others)

Preliminary Sample Screening: $20

Lab testing: $20

If you are currently taking any prescribed medication, please bring a copy of your prescription(s) with you to ensure any positive tests as a result of the use of legally prescribed medications are not used against you. Please notify the tester of any change in medications prescribed.


Civil Fees (NDCC 11-15-07)

Civil Process (Summons & Complaint, Small Claim Affidavit, Subpoena, etc): $20.00 per person/entity, plus mileage*

Levying or Executing any Writ: $40.00 per Levy or Writ, plus mileage*

Inquest to Appraise Goods and Chattels as required by Sheriff: $25.00, plus $100 per appraiser

Sheriff's Notice of Sale: $20.00 per ad, plus publishing fees

Sale of Real or Personal Property under Foreclosure of a Lien or Mortgage: $75.00, plus mileage*

Deed to Land sold on Execution or Sale Order: $20.00

Certificate of Redemption for property redeemed from Sale under Execution or Foreclosure: $20.00

Copies: $2.00 per page


*Mileage will be charged at $0.60 per mile (minimum charge of 20 miles/$12.00) per attempt (up to 3 attempts). Multiple services completed at the same address will only be charged mileage once per attempt.


~A statement of fees will be included with Sheriff's Returns.


Other Fees

Fingerprints: $10.00 per visit

Fireworks Retail License Permit: $20.00 per permit. Click Here for application packet.

Dances: Click Here for application packet and applicable fees.


Truck Regulatory
Pembina and Walsh County joint truck regulatory program.

The counties of Pembina and Walsh operate a joint truck regulatory program which focuses on the enforcement of size/weight limits on the county maintained roadways.  Deputy Patrick Moreland is the truck regulatory deputy and is deputized in both counties by Pembina County Sheriff Terry Meidinger and Walsh County Sheriff Ron Jurgens.  Deputy Moreland is a fully licensed peace officer, so he can also enforce criminal and traffic law.

Deputy Moreland has received field training by truck regulatory State Troopers.  Please be very aware of your truck's size and weight limitations.  These limits may vary depending on the time of year and the specific roadway being traveled.


Deputy Moreland can be contacted by email at or by calling the following numbers:

Pembina County Sheriff's Office: 701-265-4122

Walsh County Sheriff's Office: 701-352-2041

Mission Statement

The mission of this department is to serve and protect persons and property of Pembina County.  The responsibilities associated with this mission are many.  They include enforcement of state and federal law, mantaining the peace and order of the county, protecting the property and personal safety of county residents, and generally assisting citizens in urgent situations.  In joining this department, employees make its responsibilities  their own.  They are expected to carry out these responsibilities diligently and courteously and to take pride in the services they provide.


The department protects the rights of all persons within its jurisdiction to be free from criminal attack, to be secure in their possessions, and to live in peace.  The department serves the people of the county by performing the law enforcement function in a professional manner and it is to these people that the department is ultimately responsible.

The current personnel of the Pembina County Sheriff's Department.

Terry Meidinger - Sheriff - Serving Since 1991

Marcus Ramsay - Chief Deputy - Serving Since 2011

Cory Mortensen - Sergeant - Serving Since 2016

Patrick Moreland - Deputy (Truck Reg) - Serving Since 2022

Martin Burch - Deputy - Serving Since 2019

Kane Gerszewski - Deputy - Serving Since 2020


Richard Johnson - Corrections - Serving Since 2007

Brigetta Thebeau - Corrections - Serving Since 2018

Calvin Cluchie - Corrections - Serving Since 2019

Kory Flaagan - Corrections - Serving Since 2020

Ben Hutchison- Corrections - Serving Since 2021

Past Sheriffs
Pembina County is the oldest county government in North Dakota. Established in 1867, Pembina County originally included the entire Red River Valley from Canada to South Dakota. The original county seat was in Pembina, ND and is now in Cavalier. These are the past sheriffs who have served since 1867. Our first sheriff was William H. Moorhead, 1867-1870. Our current sheriff is Terry Meidinger.

William H. Moorhead     1867-1870

Henry McKinney            1871-1872

John Lennon                  1873-1874

Joseph Daniels              1875-1876

Charles J. Brown            1877-1884

John Kabernagle            1884

David Dick                      1885-1886

William James                1887-1890

Archie M. O'Connor        1891-1894

George H. McCabe         1895-1896

John E. Truemner           1897-1898

Fred J. Farrow                1899-1902

Charles Atkinson            1903-1906

George Roadhouse        1907-1910

Ike J. Foster                    1911-1914

Charles Atkinson             1915-1918

Ed Hamilton                     1919-1922

D.J. "Duffy" Larson          1923-1926

Ralph S. Campbell          1927-1930

Harold C. Well                 1931-1932

Archie B. O'Connor         1933-1936

Stone Hillman                  1937-1940

Loren Davey                    1941-1944

Fred O. Spangelo            1945-1948

Sam Samuelson              1949-1952

Fred O. Spangelo            1953-1958

Glenn E. Wells                 1959-1986

James J. Martindale        1987-2002

Wayne Samdahl              2002-2006

Brian W. Erovick              2007-2014

Terry Meidinger               2015-Present
