Location: Cavalier, ND
Date: 03/18/2020 - 04/01/2020
Time: 8:00 AM
PREVENTION of COVID-19 Starting March 18, 2020, the Pembina County Courthouse and all administration buildings will be locking the entrance doors to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Offices will remain open and business will be preferred to be done by phone or email. This will be reevaluated on April 1, 2020 by the Pembina County Board of Commissioners. Parcel and Mail deliveries can be made by contacting the department at the phone numbers below. If you are unable to contact by phone, please leave the parcel outside the door as employees will monitor the area. Department Contact Phone Extension Auditor 265-4231 Clerk of Court/Registered Deeds 265-4373 District Court 265-8783 Domestic Violence 265-8686 Emergency Management 265-4849 Highway 265-4208 IT/GIS 265-5111 Juvenile Services 265-8722 Maintenance 265-8737 NDSU Extension Service 265-8411 Public Health 265-4248 Sheriff’s Office 265-4122 State’s Attorney 265-4334 Tax Director 265-4697 Veteran's Service 265-4460 Victim Witness 265-5181 Water Resource District 265-4511 WIC 265-4764 911 Communications 265-8222