Social Services

300 Boundary Road West
Cavalier North Dakota 58220
300 Boundary Road West, #3
Cavalier North Dakota 58220
(701) 265-8441 (701) 265-8058



Mission Statement:

The mission of County Social Services is to provide quality programs and services, as directed by public policy, to vulnerable individuals and families to promote self-sufficiency and safety.


Pembina County makes every effort to insure that confidentiality is maintained in regards to a client’s situation and services provided to the client. Clients are asked, however, to sign an Authorization to Release Information so that information can be acquired on behalf of the client, or so that services can be coordinated with other providers of service to them.


It is the policy of the Pembina County Social Service Board to assure that all applicants for, or recipients of, services or assistance from programs administered by the Board shall not be subjected to discrimination or denied the benefit of such services or assistance on the basis of an applicant’s or recipient’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, political beliefs, age, disability, or marital status.

Business Hours:

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday

Open during lunch hour.



