County News

Walhalla Ambulance Service: Support Through The Toughest Times

WAS_picture.jpg Image Learn how the Walhalla Community provides strong support to each other.

Posted 08/17/2016 read more »

Pembina Ambulance: Learn How This Small Service Has Survived

PembinaAmb.jpg Image The North Dakota Emergency Medical Services Rural Grant has helped Pembina Ambulance and many other ambulance services in the state continue support to their communities.

Posted 07/08/2016 read more »

Traffic Incident Management Training for Emergency Responders

TIMexercise.jpg Image Every day, emergency responders put their lives at risk every time they’re dispatched to traffic incidents on our roadways. Emergency Response agencies within Pembina County are being invited to participate in one of several Traffic Incident Management (TIM) trainings being held throughout this summer. The goal of the training is to ensure the safety of responders, the travelling public, and narrow the time from the initial crash to clearing the scene.

Posted 06/22/2016 read more »

Drayton Ambulance: What Happens When an Ambulance Service Has Strong Community Support?

DraytonAmb_color.jpg Image Feature stories on each Ambulance Service in Pembina County will be printed in newspapers this summer. There are 4 Ambulance Services and 4 Quick Response Units, and we are very fortunate to have them!

Posted 05/26/2016 read more »

Who Are The Dispatchers Behind 911?

Bella.jpg Image It takes a rare person and unique skills to be able to do the job required of a 911 dispatcher. They have the ability to stay calm under pressure and help you during what may be the worst-ever event in your life. They gather essential information related to your emergency and send the right kind of help to the right location. Potentially, they may provide medical or other instructions to you until help arrives.

Posted 04/14/2016 read more »

Emergency Medical Services Are Passionate To Provide The Best Patient Care

Jan.jpg Image Learn about the excellent training available in our county, that enables local and regional training to people who need training for Emergency Medical Response.

Posted 03/31/2016 read more »

GIS Parcel Viewer Available Online

Posted 01/25/2016 read more »

Pembina County celebrates its 100th year anniversary of the Courthouse

Posted 08/14/2012 read more »

Disaster Preparedness Videos

Disaster Preparedness Videos that provide critical information about key steps people should take to be prepared for emergencies.

Posted 04/18/2012 read more »

EMS Volunteer Stories

EMT.jpg Image Meet some of the area emergency medical service squad members as they share their stories.

Posted 08/30/2011 read more »

Sign up for Severe Weather Warnings

Residents urged to register with county's weather warning system

To sign up for the service, go to the county's web site at home page and click on the "Severe Weather Warning Signup" link under Quick Links. If you don't have Internet access, you can also call the Emergency Management office at (701) 265-4849.

Posted 07/18/2011 read more »

Emergency Medical Services in our Community

Posted 09/09/2010 read more »

CPR - Heart Saver Courses (for General Public), First Aid Courses & CPR for Health Care Providers Courses are available

Posted 08/02/2010 read more »
