County News

Pembina County Soils Committee Meeting Minutes - September 8, 2023


Soils Committee



September 8, 2023 – 8:15 am


Soils Committee Minutes:


A regular meeting of the Pembina County Soils Committee was held on September 8, 2023, at 8:15 a.m. in the Farmer’s Room of the Pembina County Courthouse. Members Present: Camburn Shephard, Bill Gunderson, Robert Vivatson, Brad Schuster, Joel Smith, and Curtis Christenson, Alternate. Others Present: Tax Director, Lisa Keney, Casey Kreig, Carmen Augustin, Zelda Hartje, and Darren Olafson.


Member’s Absent: Nick Heuchert, Alternate.


Meeting was called to order by Soils Committee Chairman, Camburn Shephard at 8:15 a.m.


Discussion was held on the work completed by Kompleks Assessment Solutions, LLC.  Specific discussion was held on the division of duties as outlined in the 2022 Pembina County Modifier Application Policy prepared by Dustin Bakken, Executive Vice President of Kompleks Assessment Solutions LLC.


Discussion was held on Surety AgriData.


Ms. Keney explained the benefits of Sidwell. Motion was made by Mr. Schuster and seconded by Mr. Vivatson that the soils committee strongly supports the use of Sidwell into the day to day operations of the Pembina County Tax Office. Roll call vote: Mr. Shephard – Yes, Mr. Gunderson – Yes, Mr. Vivatson – Yes, Mr. Schuster – Yes, and Mr. Smith – Yes. Motion passed unanimously.


Discussion was held on modifiers. Specific reference was made to soils in the ridge and what PI’s would be included in the ridge.


Motion was made by Mr. Schuster and seconded by Mr. Vivatson to add a modifier for the Ridge. Roll call vote: Mr. Shephard – Yes, Mr. Gunderson – Yes, Mr. Vivatson – Yes, Mr. Schuster – Yes, and Mr. Smith – Yes. Motion passed unanimously.


Motion was made by Mr. Schuster and seconded by Mr. Smith to add the word Salinity to modifier list so it will appear as Alkaline- Salinity and to approve the modifiers as presented in the 2022 Pembina County Modifier Application Policy prepared by Dustin Bakken, Executive Vice President of Kompleks Assessment Solutions LLC. Roll call vote: Mr. Shephard – Yes, Mr. Gunderson – Yes, Mr. Vivatson – Yes, Mr. Schuster – Yes, and Mr. Smith – Yes. Motion passed unanimously.


The next meeting will be held on September 22, 2023, at 8:15 a.m. in the Farmer’s Room of the Pembina County Courthouse pending the availability of the Farmer’s Room.


Tax Director, Ms. Keney, will be emailing questionnaires to everyone in attendance regarding soil modifiers.


Motion was made by Mr. Schuster and seconded by Mr. Vivatson to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, motion carried.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m.

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